Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Party at the Moontower…Part 4: The Next Day

That next morning, we had all made plans to meet at the local Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Eating at a public place for us is no small chore. The reason is because with three small children, two of them rambunctious boys, you never know just how your eating experience is going to turn out. And on top of that, the Cracker Barrel just has too many things to get in trouble with. The little triangle shaped peg game didn’t last but five seconds as it was intended to be used. The golf tees quickly turned into flying objects as did the wooden triangles, and I had to remove all traces of them from our table.

Everyone had ordered and we were patiently waiting for our food. This period is the part about eating out that Shonda and I absolutely hate. With three kids, the domino effect takes place. One of them starts to get hyper and act out and by the time they’ve been calmed down and reprimanded, another one starts right in. Luckily, we hadn’t had to correct any of them yet. However, it was during our wait for food that both boys had to use the rest room at the same time (of course).

I begrudgingly followed them to the bathroom, hoping that there wouldn’t be anyone else in there. Unfortunately, there was and there were none of the lowered children’s urinals at all. So the boys and I entered into the only open stall and they prepared to go potty. This is no small task to oversee. I have to make sure that they don’t touch anything with their hands or any other exposed part. I also have to make sure that Nicholas doesn’t have erratic aim as he has only been house-broken for a few months. Things started off just fine, but Nicholas leaned a little too far back and his “stream” left the bowl. To my horror, it began splashing all over the side of the stall and eventually began to trickle down to the floor. Noah was staring at me with a very concerned look on his face. I quickly picked Nicholas up, hoping to manually aim him in the right direction. Unfortunately, I aimed too low and he peed directly onto the left shoe of the person sitting in the next stall over. As I gasped at this new development I quickly re-aimed him again. Only this time he squirmed and I almost lost my grip. This caused be to aim him directly at Noah. The poor little man could do nothing but stare in horror at his little brother as Nicholas peed all over his shirt. Noah began to cry and I quickly grabbed both of them and bolted out of the restroom, hoping the person who was minding his business in the next stall was not finishing up as well.

The rest of the day was uneventul after that.

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