Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nicholas does the funniest things....Blue Man Group

Nicholas can sometimes be, by far, the most entertaining of our three children. Don't get me wrong, Noah has said some pretty funny things and sometimes Savannah's one-liners can make you laugh out loud. But Nicholas is such a character that his mother has started calling him Dennis the Menace.

The kid loves bugs and worms and just about any other tiny little creature you can imagine. There's a section in Chapter 4 of Well Water (coming soon) that describes a typical summer day at the Davisson household and it involves Nicholas and a couple of worms that he named “Noah” and “Picnic”. Classic Nicholas stuff right there.

I've also seen him catch frogs and various other creepy crawlers as well as have an intense staring contest with a little blue and black lizard from a very close distance. That lizard, in fact, is so used to Bit by now that it literally comes out and sits right next to him. Luckily, while Nicholas loves these little creatures, he is still wary about touching them so he tends to just look. However, I have seen him launch a frog about twenty feet in the air because it peed on his hand.

He also does just about every other “little boy” thing you can imagine while he’s outside playing. Which is something that we’ve recently let him do on his own. (There’s also an upcoming chapter in Well Water that describes Nicholas’ very first adventure outside by himself). Now that he’s four years old and knows where his boundaries are, we let him go outside and play. And playing outside is his absolute favorite thing to do. There is a drawback, however. A little boy as mischievous as Bit, left alone to his own devices, usually equals disaster.

Every rock in our little front yard rock garden has made its way either to the yard, the street or on the roof. One day, I even came home to see one of the flatter, more brittle of the larger rocks shattered in pieces all over the side walk. I have also come home to see him standing with the garden hose, drenched from head to toe, with the biggest smile on his face. And then there was the time that he decided to “wash Daddy’s car”. Which would have been a sweet gesture except for the fact that he used my grill brush. There are still swirl-shaped scratches down the side of our van that I haven’t been able to buff out.

On top of all these other things, Nicholas is also fond of getting more dirt on him than you would think humanly possible. Rain or shine, you can find him at any given moment playing in the dirt. And not only does he play in it and with it, he rubs it on himself. One day, Shonda even caught the little rascal simply dumping handfuls of dirt down the front of his pants for no reason what-so-ever. Like I said, he’s quite the little character.

Which brings me to the point of my post today. Last week, Nicholas turned four years old. His birthday party is this weekend at our community pool and he’s very excited about that. But last week he was just as excited to receive his first big boy bike as well as a very nice gift from a great friend of ours in New York. The bike was given to him when I got home from work and he rode that thing right up until he had to come in for the night. The other gift, however, came via UPS earlier that afternoon and Shonda let him open and play with it.

The gift, was a set of 3D Crayola Sidewalk Chalk, complete with 3D glasses. It was a very thoughtful gift and Nicholas immediately took it outside after Shonda briefly told him what it was and how it worked. Out he went to begin creating his 3D visions of neon colored works of art. He’d used sidewalk chalk before so Shonda was getting ready for our entire driveway to be covered with brightly colored scribbling. However, she did not find much in the way of four year old art work. She did however find this:

No, he was not auditioning for Blue Man Group. This is just what happens when you leave him alone for even a brief period of time.

1 comment:

  1. I love that he chose blue of all colors!!! Is his face in 3D when you put on the glasses?
