Friday, May 22, 2009

Nicholas says the funniest things…

Our son, Nicholas, just turned four on May 19th. I never forget his birthday, because he was born on the sixth anniversary of the premier of Star Wars One: The Phantom Menace. I know it’s sad, but please don’t hold it against me. It’s just one of those random things I’ve never forgotten, but I digress…

Bit (short for Little Bit, as I like to call him) has been talking for quite a while now. Be he’s just recently begun to speak very clearly and in complete sentences. However, that just means that we can now clearly hear all of the funny remarks that he makes on a daily basis. This is the inaugural post in a series of the random things that Shonda hears from him (and his brother and sister) on a daily basis.

My lovely bride is the sole proprietor of an in-home daycare for infants and toddlers. She has a pretty nice set-up due to our finished walk-out basement and our fairly large, fenced in back yard. The basement, which has been converted into a giant playing area, has all of the necessities a daycare needs: tons of toys, books, tiny people furniture, play sets, a television, etc. It’s great for keeping them occupied during the harsh Missouri winter. The playroom opens up into our yard that is also full of toys as well as giant swing set/climbing wall/slide/tire swing/rope course contraption. So the very moment that the weather gets nice, Shonda usually takes the children outside for the better part of the day.

The only draw back of the back yard, is the fact the for some reason when the spring comes, there are always gigantic bees buzzing around. And always being mindful of the children and not wanting them to get stung, Shonda tries to get rid of them the moment they get too close. Usually, when a bee shows up, she tries to swat it with whatever is handy or zap it with the hose. Lately the bees have been getting away because they are very large and you have to really hit them to kill them. This causes Shonda to try and get the little suckers over and over again. Trying various combinations of beat down sticks and dowsing devices. All the while the children are screaming and shouting words of encouragement.

Just the other day, during a particularly lengthy bee battle, Shonda finally achieved victory with an incredibly good shot with the garden hose spray nozzle. The entire group of children was intently watching this contest and squealed with delight as Shonda sprayed that little sucker just right and he began his slow, spiraling descent to the ground. Once Nicholas saw the bee going down, he looked at his mother with a completely serious and straight face and said, “Mom, he’s saying “May day, May day, May day!”. Then he ran back off to go play in the dirt.

Shonda could do nothing but laugh as she walked over to the bee to put it out of its misery.

Where do kids come up with this stuff?

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