Monday, June 29, 2009

Well Water...Part Five

Chris finished making the morning coffee. A full pot was called for these days as Shonda’s mother, Ranae, had taken up residence with them for an indefinite amount of time. She had asked her mother to come for a couple of reasons. Mainly, because Shonda actually wanted to spend a summer taking the children to various summer time activities; swimming, bible camp, tutoring sessions, etc. She had never before been able to do this because she was always running the daycare. Also, Ranae’s life had recently taken a downward turn. She was currently without a “fixed” residence and called the inside of her van home. She also got by from her friends and neighbors giving her some couch time as well as the use of a hot shower and television. But all in all she was actually quite content to live in a van down by the river, so to speak. Shonda, not wanting to see her mother resort to homeless status, offered her room and board in exchange for helping out with the daycare. She agreed and had been living with them for that last few months.

As he was waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, Bit came up and started to ask for something to eat in a very whiney voice the grated on Chris’ last nerve. In order to stop the steam kettle crescendo of high pitched squeal that was about to happen, he grabbed a bag of marshmallows from the pantry and handed him a couple. He knew it probably wasn’t the best of breakfasts, but with the sugar content of cereal these days, Chris figured he could have done much worse. Plus Nicholas would have all of the evidence consumed before Shonda made her way out of the bathroom. As Bit made his way back to the escapades of Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda, the final gurgling sputter that came from the Mr. Coffee announced that its task was complete.

Chris proceeded to make Shonda’s coffee exactly the way she liked it: two fingers of French vanilla creamer and top it off with Joe. He then walked down the hallway to the bathroom to make his morning delivery. It didn’t seem like much, Chris knew, but he had been taking Shonda her morning cup of coffee since forever and a day. It was a little thing, but it was a very important part of his morning ritual and he knew that he would probably be bringing her that cup until they were both wearing Depends and didn’t have any of their original teeth left. He slid up behind her, sat the cup down on the sink and softly kissed the back of her neck.

At about the time he was making his way back into the kitchen, their oldest son, Noah, was making his way downstairs. Noah’s morning ritual was very basic but consisted of three utterly necessary components; his Batman blanket, his Sponge Bob pillow and his chocolate milk. As he stumbled through the kitchen with the first two of these three essentials, his first words (as they always were) were “Chocolate milk?” Chris’ oldest boy was a choco-holic to the nth degree. It was the first thing he asked for in the morning and one of the last things that he asked for at night. And if he didn’t get it soon, real soon, he would let you know it. Chris always thought that he should just start making it the night before, ready for the exact moment that it was asked for. But this morning exchange had become just as much a part of Chris’ morning ritual as any of the other steps. He was quick on the draw and had a sippy cup full of the chocolate beverage ready in no time, and Noah was on his way into the living room.

Shonda had finished with her make up and was on her way into the living room to sit for a few brief moments before the first kids arrived for the day. Chris let the dog, Bella, down in the basement so that she would wake up Ranae (who had been sleeping on the couch) and be let outside. A few minutes later, the first children showed up and Savannah was on her way into the living room with a serious case of bed head. All appeared right with the world, or at least as right as it could be for a Tuesday, so Chris decided it was time for him to make the trek to work.

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