Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can you say "Eminent Domain"? I knew you could

Sometimes I wish people would just call a spade a spade. For example, all of this bailout money that’s being floated around out there has to have a spending deadline, right? Funds that have been earmarked for specific states must be used or allotted to projects before certain dates or else the state will lose that money, right? Keeping that in mind, let me tell you a little story.

Shonda and I decided on the home we live in now for a few very specific reasons. First, it was the size we needed. With three growing children we needed at least a four bedroom home.

Second, the layout of our home is exactly what we needed for Shonda’s home daycare. There was a finished walkout basement and a huge backyard, which meant getting her state daycare license would be a cinch.

Lastly, the area was perfect for us. It was a very nice neighborhood, actually part of an association (we’d never been part of an association before) with trustees and officers and common grounds and a community club house. The neighborhood was flush with trees and neatly trimmed yards with a plethora of flower gardens and fancy shrubs. One of the best features that we loved about our property, was that the back yard butted right up to some woods that ended up in a bluff overlooking a valley with a river. Granted, it was a river in the middle of St. Louis County, but it was still a picturesque view. That is until now.

That’s an aerial view of my neck of the woods. Inside that red circle is our home. That red line with the arrow pointing at it is the fence line of our back yard. That giant mauve-colored thing is a proposed highway extension. Pretty, isn’t it?

Of course there’s a whole drama going on between our neighborhood association, us, our immediate neighbors and the county regarding what’s going to happen when and who can do what now. There’s even been police reports regarding trespassing county and state workers and some are even trying to determine the validity of certain claims about “home of an endangered animal” and “Indian burial ground”. Ultimately, however, I feel that we’ll stall and kick and scream and cry foul, but the government will ultimately do what it wants to. Or in this case what it needs to in order to make sure they don’t lose their Obama Dollars.

I wonder if they’ll build me my own on-ramp so I can get to work that much quicker in the morning?

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